2005-02-16 Backyard flowers

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I came home for lunch today (thanks, Rogil!) and had to take a few backyard flower photos, since I'd been mentioning my tall lupine to Mike and Kit, globemallow and penstemon to Brian, and desert marigolds to Eve. --Kathy

The daisies and ice plants were bright today. Posted by Hello

That tree is tiny, but I guess the lupine (purple) are taller than 3 feet! The red flower to the left is chuparosa and the one to the right is firecracker penstemon. Yellow and orange African daisies are in the foreground. Posted by Hello

The orange flower in the foreground is globemallow. I have orange and pale lavendar globemallow. Posted by Hello

The red flower is firecracker penstemon, the orange is African daisy, and the yellow is desert marigold. Posted by Hello